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Under the Covers:
Essentia's Lifestyle Blog

Woman sleeping in the clouds
  • Sleep Help

A Guide to Understanding the Four Stages of Sleep

Sleep is fundamental for functioning in our daily lives and essential for both our physical and mental well-being. Yet, many of us don't fully unde...

Woman smiling while waking up after a great night of sleep
  • Sleep Help

What is Active Cooling?

Active Cooling addresses one of the biggest complaints sleepers face today: sleeping hot. So how does Essentia do it? What does it mean for a mattr...

Woman waking up in the middle of the night hot and sweating
  • Sleep Help

Why Do I Sweat When I Sleep?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, with your clothes and sheets soaked through? You're not alone. Night sweats ar...

Woman sleeping while wearing a health tracker
  • Sleep Help

How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Getting a restful night’s sleep can sometimes feel elusive. There are so many factors at play to ensure you enjoy a restorative slumber, which nece...

The Pros and Cons of Sleeping Late
  • Sleep Help

The Pros and Cons of Sleeping Late

Many teenagers and adults alike enjoy sleeping late and in our fast-paced, modern era, it may seem wise to allow your body more time to rest. While...

Woman shown in bed yawning with her devices and a book struggling to sleep
  • Sleep Help

What are the Signs of Sleep Deprivation?

Feeling tired, irritable, and having difficulty concentrating? You may be experiencing some of the telltale signs of sleep deprivation, which can n...
