Meet Essentia's Lifestyle collection of mattresses. The core upon which all Essentia mattresses are built! These mattresses are Certified Organic, offer amazing Posture Support, and are Allergy Friendly as they are impervious to dust mites as reported by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine!
Essentia's patented Beyond Latex™ certified organic foam outperforms any other latex or organic mattress on the market. You won't find full organic foam mattresses, with no springs, at this value.
What good is a mattress if it isn’t comfortable? Essentia’s patented Beyond Latex™ organic foam contours to your every curve for outrageous comfort and support. Experience the pressure relief of memory foam without the toxic chemicals or heat!
Here you'll meet the 2 Essentia models in the Lifestyle Collection, the Tatami and Stratami certified organic mattresses.
The Stratami™ features a special blend of certified organic latex foam and a revolutionary dome shaped sleep surface.
The Stratami is recommended by Consumer Reports, an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace.
After extensive testing and research, Consumer Reports determined the Stratami supports a variety of sizes of sleepers, maintains support after the equivalent of 8 years of use, and has low transmission of sleeper's movement to other sleeper.
The Tatami’s™ is a mid contour support. Featuring Essentia’s patented Beyond Latex™ organic foam and a full latex core, the Tatami is an amazing value offering comfort and clean sleep benefits.
Here at Essentia we create sleep environments that extend the time you spend in Deep Sleep and REM sleep cycles by eliminating the stimulants that can pull your body out of these cycles. By doing so, you experience an increased rate of recovery that improves both your mental and physical health.
The Lifestyle collection of mattresses gives you these key element benefits.
For many consumers, mattress assembly factories and mattress manufacturing are the same things but this is a common misconception. There is a clear difference between each process. Not to mention most bed in box brands manipulate this to their benefit by contracting Chinese companies for components and a different company for packaging, allowing them to hide the true source and true quality of their components. Essentia is proud to be a certified organic mattress manufacturer.
Unlike other brands, our Beyond Latex™ organic foam is not a memory foam made from polyurethane, a petrochemical and type of plastic, but rather our GOLS certified organic latex foam is a slow response organic latex foam.
The number one reason we sought to recreate an organic version of memory foam was to create a clean sleep environment and protect Essentia sleepers from the VOCs that emit from chemical based foams while still experiencing amazing comfort.
You won't find any wool, springs, cotton, or fiber batting that can act as a nesting ground to dust mites and that's because Essentia prioritizes allergy free sleep surfaces.
Dr. Robert G. Hamilton, Ph.D. and Director, Dermatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology (DACI) Reference Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that the molded nature of the natural latex memory foam made by Essentia is essentially impervious to house dust mite inhabitation and growth.
Not all organic mattress are created equal, and not all certifications mean the same thing!
One thing we know is that the mattress shopping journey can be a confusing one, so many things sound the same but the pricing can vary drastically. There are a few reasons for this, and we want to be sure you are fully armed to understand why every mattress labeled ‘organic’ ‘natural’ or ‘eco-friendly’ are not created equally.
Pain is a sleep stimulant that can keep you tossing and turning all night. Essentia's patented Beyond Latex organic foam formulas are designed to ensure you are experiencing the ultimate pressure relief.
Jack Dell'Accio, Essentia CEO & Founder, explains when it comes to sleep, the discussion mainly focuses solely on comfort, but sleeping better starts with pressure relief or pressure redistribution.