If your mattress isn’t organic, it might be emitting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — which are harmful to your health.
Recent research shows that mattresses made from synthetic foam like polyurethane and chemical additives release gases that pose a health risk. Meanwhile, the heat and carbon dioxide your body emits while you sleep worsen the situation.
The problem is that most mattresses on the market face this issue. Memory foam made from synthetic materials, traditional innerspring mattresses, and hybrid mattresses that aren’t natural and organic undoubtedly emit VOCs.
Pollutant gases released by these mattresses can cause loss of coordination, headaches, and eye, throat, and nose irritations. From sleep disruptions at night to symptoms of an allergic reaction, these materials take an undeniable toll on your health.
That’s why sleeping on a certified organic mattress is the key to maintaining regenerative sleep. If you want to avoid VOCs and sleep on a toxin-free bed, you need an organic mattress made from natural latex foam or other natural, organic materials. Let’s look at why choosing a certified organic mattress with minimal VOC emission can help you achieve a healthy and peaceful night’s sleep.

How an Organic Mattress Supports Regenerative Sleep
Organic latex mattresses and other natural mattresses made from organic cotton, wool, and latex help you sleep better through every stage of sleep.
There are four sleep stages: NREM (N1), NREM (N2), NREM (N3) (Deep Sleep, Slow-wave Sleep), and REM (REM Sleep). N3, also known as deep sleep, is the third stage.
During this sleep stage, your body has the chance to heal, regenerate, and repair itself at the cellular level. If you wake up during stage three, you might experience mental fogginess and fatigue during the day.
Research shows that brain activity is minimal at this stage. Your heart rate and muscle activity are also at their slowest.
Diminishing body activity gives way to regeneration and restoration, which is why sleep interruptions are such a problem — and why it’s vital to have a mattress that lets you rest through the night.
1) They’re breathable
Essentia's certified organic latex mattress has a porous surface that allows for air flow through the mattress which is a big help especially for reducing heat at the mattress surface.
A breathable mattress is essential for stomach sleepers and people who have difficulty breathing at night due to conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
And its natural breathability makes it an excellent surface for heat and moisture control.
Your body releases heat and moisture as you sleep due to metabolism — it’s the process of converting food into energy.
Additionally, you’ll probably sweat more when sharing the bed with a partner. The more people on the bed, the faster you heat up and release moisture.
A breathable mattress prevents you from feeling too warm whether you sleep with someone else or alone, keeping you asleep and comfortable through the night.
By contrast, synthetic mattresses aren’t breathable and don’t absorb moisture and heat at night. Organic latex mattresses, on the other hand, are breathable and prevent interruptions, supporting regenerative sleep.
2) They resist allergens like dust mites, mold, and microbes
Essentia's organic latex mattress is hypoallergenic. It’s made of GOLS certified organic latex, which naturally resists allergens like pollen, dust mites, mildew, and mold. An organic latex mattress is the best for allergy and asthma sufferers because of these hypoallergenic properties. Here’s why:
- Sleeping on a natural latex mattress prevents nasal congestion caused by allergic reactions. So, you breathe normally and enjoy uninterrupted sleep.
- Your partner’s sleep isn’t interrupted due to sleep apnea caused by nasal congestion. Both of you wake up feeling refreshed.
- You maintain a healthy sleep cycle. Asthma and allergy sufferers have a hard time falling and staying asleep. A hypoallergenic mattress eliminates the triggers, allowing you to maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.
3) Essentia's certified organic mattresses are softer, comfortable, and more durable
Organic mattresses are made of chemical-free, natural materials, which are softer than their synthetic counterparts. This makes organic natural latex mattresses the perfect choice for people suffering from lower back pain.
Years ago, doctors prescribed very firm mattresses for lower back pain alleviation. However, more recent research revealed that lower back pain sufferers sleeping on very hard mattresses suffer from poor-quality sleep.
Medium firm and firm mattresses are the best choices for people suffering from chronic pain. Since organic latex foam mattresses are softer than synthetic, they adapt to your body’s contours and remain firm enough, keeping you comfortable. You also reduce the chances of tossing and turning at night.
In addition to offering better comfort than polyurethane mattresses, organic mattresses, especially latex mattresses, are more durable. Traditional memory foam mattresses last seven to ten years, while organic mattresses, especially 100% natural latex foam ones, last for up to 25 years.
4) Certified organic mattresses can prevent VOC-related sleep disruptions
Synthetic mattresses are known to off-gas, releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs cause sleep-disrupting issues such as congestion, coughing, and headaches.
What Are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and How Do They Affect Sleep?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as compounds with low water solubility and high vapor pressure. As they’re released into the air, VOCs may be harmful by themselves or react with other existing gases in the air around you to form pollutants.
According to the EPA, VOCs are more concentrated inside your home — up to 10 times higher than the outdoors.
Here are some of the most common sources of VOCs in your bedroom:
- Painted surfaces such as walls
- Wall primers
- Floor waxes
- Wall and floor adhesives
- Cleaning agents, disinfectants, and air fresheners that contain VOCs such as benzene, toluene, limonene
- Certain repellents, such as moth repellents
- Dry-cleaned clothing
- Pesticides
- Mattresses made of synthetic materials
Synthetic mattresses release high VOC levels, including benzene, toluene, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde. Furthermore, exposure to these VOCs increases cancer risk.While these non-organic mattresses might naturally emit VOCs, room and body temperature, carbon dioxide, and humidity increase emission rates.

Temperature, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Concentration, and Humidity Increase VOC Emission
Your body emits heat at night due to metabolism, which converts food into energy. Increased temperature increases the VOC emission rate the most. A study found that VOC emissions doubled at 35°C (95°F) compared to 25°C (77°F).

Poor bedroom ventilation
You might sleep with your bedroom window and door closed for security, privacy, and energy conservation purposes. Unfortunately, this behavior affects sleep quality, next-day performance, and health in several ways.
Closed doors and windows reduce the rate of air circulation, increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the room.
High CO2 concentration causes sleep disruptions, causing you to wake up more frequently at night. As a result, you wake up feeling tiredand this affects your performance during the day. Feeling drowsy increases your risk of on-the-job accidents and makes it difficult to cope with everyday stressors.
In addition, high CO2 concentration increases VOC emissions from sources in your bedroom, including a polyurethane mattress, as well as other sources such as paints, synthetic carpeting, and upholstery. Therefore, good room ventilation is vital for good sleep quality, even when using organic mattresses.

Close proximity to the nose and mouth as you sleep
Your nose and mouth are close to the mattress, no matter the sleeping position. While improved ventilation will reduce the amount of VOCs in the room, you’ll still inhale some toxins because of this proximity.
So, to avoid this problem, you can switch to an organic mattress made with the fewest chemical additives possible.
Health effects and symptoms of VOCs exposure
VOCs in your home reduce indoor air quality. They get absorbed into your body through the respiratory system and skin, leading to certain health issues.
Short-term exposure can aggravate asthma symptom, cause nausea and vomiting, cause loss of coordination and headaches, cause throat, eye, and nose irritation, which may lead to nasal congestion, cause skin reactions, cause lethargy and lightheadedness.
Long-term exposure can contribute to the development of cancer, kidney and liver damage, or central nervous system damage
Other Toxic Chemicals Found in Synthetic Mattresses
VOCs aren’t the only harmful chemicals related to synthetic mattresses. Issues such as environmental degradation when sourcing raw materials are a factor to consider.
Polyurethane is a byproduct of the petroleum industry, an industry responsible for 71% of greenhouse gas emissions. Petroleum production also releases toxic chemicals into the environment, such as benzene and xylene, which means the production process for polyurethane mattresses isn’t eco-friendly.
The manufacturing process releases hazardous air pollutants like methylene chloride, toluene diisocyanate (TDI), and hydrogen cyanide. These pollutants can cause health issues, including cancer, lung irritation, damage to the central nervous system, and eye and nose irritation.
If you want to have an earth-friendly bed, you can choose a mattress made from materials that don’t cause air pollution during the production process.
Natural latex foam mattresses are made from latex sourced from rubber trees, so there’s no worry about processing petroleum-based products and contributing to air pollution. Also, rubber trees are a renewable resource, making latex mattresses more sustainable than synthetic foam mattresses.
There’s more bad news for the environment with traditional memory foam mattresses. Polyurethane mattresses contain antimony, formaldehyde, and styrene, among other chemicals — and these become part of the debris when the mattresses break down. As a result, more toxic chemicals are released during decomposition.
Another concern with polyurethane foam is that it’s highly flammable. The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) directs all mattress manufacturers to create safer mattresses that can endure fire for longer. The safety guidelines require manufacturers to add flame-retardant additives to mattresses.
Unfortunately, most of these additives, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), melamine, and vinylidene chloride, are toxic to humans and the environment.

What Are Organic Mattresses Made Of?
An organic mattress is made from organic, natural materials such as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified organic cotton and Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS) certified organic latex.
With mattresses made from natural materials that are organic-certified, you can rest easily knowing zero chemicals were used at any stage of growth, sourcing, or processing.
The farming process for the raw materials doesn’t involve the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers. The manufacturing process is also non-toxic.
But, while all organic mattresses are natural, not all natural mattresses are organic. So you want to pay attention to these terms when comparing mattresses. Additionally, there are synthetic versions of natural products — for example, there’s synthetic latex.
You’ll therefore see three different types of latex mattresses on the market: synthetic, organic, and natural latex mattresses. Only the organic latex mattress is truly non-toxic and eco-friendly.
When looking for the best latex mattress, look for beds that are made from GOLS-certified latex like Essentia. That way, you’ll avoid a latex foam mattress made from synthetic materials or a mattress that uses natural latex but isn’t organic.
Differences Between Natural and Organic Mattresses
A natural mattress may contain natural materials grown using harmful chemicals, and the production process may not be entirely non-toxic. Organic mattresses strictly avoid toxins at the farming and production stages.
Natural mattresses may contain synthetic materials, while organic mattresses contain zero synthetic materials. For example, you can have a natural mattress that’s actually a mix of natural latex and polyurethane.
Natural is always cheaper than organic. Manufacturing products that are 100% organic is a resource and time-intensive process, so all 100% organic products are going to cost more.
Organic mattresses tend to last longer than natural mattresses. That’s because they’re made from pure, natural materials instead of a blend of natural and man-made materials.
Natural mattresses don’t need certification. Organic mattresses are certified organic, proving they avoid chemicals at all production stages — and this could extend down the production line, including organically raised sheep, organically grown cotton, or organic rubber trees.
Natural mattresses don’t necessarily have to be sourced using sustainable methods. Sustainability is a requirement to be certified organic.
The bottom line is that you get a completely toxin-free product when you buy a certified organic natural mattress. A natural bed that’s not organic can mean a spectrum of things, from partially natural to a little natural and significantly toxic.

The Importance of Organic Certification
A natural mattress could be labeled as organic for marketing purposes if 1% of the production process and materials used are organic. Unfortunately, this type of marketing may create the impression that the entire mattress is 100% organic.
Organic certifications help deal with the problem. Certified organic standards ensure sustainable production at all stages and the use of zero chemicals outside of the minimum required for safety standards. Gold standards to look out for are the Global Organic Latex Standard and Global Organic Textile Standard.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a standard developed to lead global standard setters on acceptable requirements for organic textiles. GOTS ensures sustainable practices when growing, harvesting, manufacturing, and labeling textile products.
Sometimes chemicals may be necessary to ensure product quality, safety, and durability — for example, printing auxiliaries, dyeing auxiliaries, and detergent and washing aides.
GOTS approves specific chemical inputs. The certification and approval process is technical and stringent to ensure the highest environmental and human health standards are met.
The final product is only GOTS-certified if all production stages are certified. The first processing stages, spinning, weaving and knitting, wet-processing, manufacturing, and trading must all comply with GOTS regulations.
Consequently, all processors, manufacturers, and traders in the supply chain must be GOTS-certified for your mattress to be certified organic.
GOTS-certified organic mattresses assure you that the product is toxin-free, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible.

Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS)
The Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS) is an internationally-recognized standard for all organic natural rubber latex products.
Like GOTS, GOLTS not only sets quality standards for natural rubber latex products but also approves additional materials and accessories. For a latex foam product to get GOLS certification, all materials used as ingredients must be organic.
However, because chemicals and other additives may not be organic, they’re not required to be organic. Fortunately, these additives undergo a rigorous approval process that guarantees the highest possible human and environmental safety and protection.
GOLS ensures social and environmental considerations from the farmer to the trader. Transaction certificates are used at every point of sale to assure traceability in the supply chain.
The reason GOLS and GOTS certifications matter so much is that they ensure that an organic latex mattress meets the highest environmental and social standards possible.

Why Essentia is the Best Organic Latex Mattress
There are certain factors you should consider before settling on an organic mattress. An Essentia's organic latex mattress ticks all the boxes:

GOLS & GOTS Certification
GOLS and GOTS certifications guarantee that our organic latex mattress is made from certified organic latex and is sustainable. Essentia is a GOTS and GOLS-certified organic facility. So, our mattresses are environmentally-friendly and toxin-free.

Essentia's organic latex mattress will repel allergens. These mattresses are impervious to dust mites, antimicrobial and anti fungal. And, as they’re certified organic, you know you’re avoiding VOCs, which cause allergic reactions and adverse health issues after long-term exposure.

Posture Support
A mattress must be functional and comfortable to use. Essentia's patented Beyond Latex organic foam ensures you feel no pressure at all when sleeping, and your spine is aligned appropriately to prevent tossing and turning.

Accelerated Recovery
Essentia's certified organic performance mattress offers accelerated recovery to keep you asleep. The REM9 quickly readapt when you change sleeping positions or your partner joins you in bed.
These movements should be unnoticeable, reducing the chances of awakening. Therefore, you wake up feeling refreshed.

EMF Protection
Your bedroom has several sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), also known as radiation. Devices such as your mobile phone, laptop, and plugged-in lamps release EMFs in your room.
Radiation is a sleep disruptor, affecting the production of melatonin. This is the hormone responsible for ensuring a healthy circadian rhythm. That’s why Essentia offer EMF protection foam to reduce the disturbances caused by devices.

Materials Used
Organic natural latex sourced from sustainable rubber trees is not only safe for you and the environment, but it’s also comfortable. It offers sleepers a luxurious feel and the gently cushioning mattress supports the body well.
Back and joint pain sufferers will especially love this material. Organic natural rubber latex is also breathable and durable.

No Wool or Batting
An organic mattress that eliminate sleep stimulants should not have any wool or batting that can harbor dust mites. Essentia mattresses are vegan-friendly because they don’t contain wool batting.
In fact, Essentia's mattresses have been tested by Dr. Robert G Hamilton of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to be impervious to dust mites. Meaning dust mites cannot live in Essentia's mattresses. These critters are the main source of your allergies.

Transparency in Ingredients Used
Even if certifications offer some peace of mind, you’ll need to know exactly how your mattress is made. That’s why it’s so important to choose a company that remains transparent.
The reality is that some chemicals are necessary, so if a manufacturer isn’t clear on what they use, you won’t know what’s really in your mattress.
Instead of flame-retardant chemicals, Essentia mattresses use Kevlar. This is the same material used to make bulletproof vests but which help to fireproof your mattress. Consequently, we adhere to government regulations while protecting your health.

Essentia's certified organic latex mattress minimizes your exposure to VOCs. It supports regenerative sleep because it's breathable, resists allergens like dust mites, and is softer and more comfortable.
It also helps you reduce your carbon footprint and gives you peace of mind that you’re choosing a mattress that’s good for you and the earth.
The best news is that reducing VOC emissions decreases the chances of sleep disruptions caused by nasal congestion, coughing, and headaches. That means you’ll sleep deeply and wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
Natural latex mattresses from Essentia are organic-certified and made for restorative sleep. Explore our mattresses today to find your favorite natural, organic latex mattress.