Essentia Rise & Thrive Podcast Featuring Brian & Anna Maria Clement of Hippocrates Wellness

EPISODE 3: Not All Organics are Created Equal
We are so happy to host our friend Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Wellness, and welcome along a special surprise guest Anna Maria Clement, Co-Director of Hippocrates.
Brian and Anna Maria join Jack to discuss what it means to be truly organic and why not all organic products can be classified as the same. In this episode they also go into how Essentia came to be the only Hippocrates approved mattress, featured in every room of the Hippocrates Health Institute campus..
Essentia: Rise & Thrive Featuring Brian Clement of Hippocrates Wellness
We are so happy to host our friend Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Wellness, and welcome along a special surprise guest Anna Maria Clement, Co-Director of Hippocrates. Brian and Anna Maria join Jack to discuss what it means to be truly organic and why not all organic products can be classified as the same. They also go into how Essentia came to be the only Hippocrates approved mattress, featured in every room of the Hippocrates Health Institute campus.
For over six decades, the work accomplished by Hippocrates Health Institute in the health field has been unparalleled, focusing on the fundamental role that nutrition and unprocessed, unheated plant-based foods play an integral role in the process of disease recovery and prevention. The results support the words of Hippocrates, the father of western medicine who said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
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You can also read the full transcript of the Essentia: Rise & Thrive podcast featuring Brian and Anna Maria Clement of Hippocrates Wellness here:
Whitney: Hello and welcome to Rise and thrive. This is a series where we explore it some of the biggest topics in wellness and especially how they affect our sleep so that you can learn to wake up feeling rested, recharged and ready for anything every day. I'm Whitney Lauritsen, I'm the moderator. And I'm joined by Jack, the CEO and founder of Essentia natural memory foam.
We have two special guests today. One of them is Bryant. Bro. I keep saying Bryant. It's Brian Clement. I'm stringing together his full name. He is the director of the Hippocrates health Institute. And Jack, I know we have a second special guest today. Would you like to? Well,
Jack: Definitely. So we have Anna Maria Clement, who's the co-director of Hippocrates health Institute. And you guys don't see them they're icon on the stage. We're all kind of sharing my phone. So, so we're all here gathered together in the same place or on campus that Hippocrates health Institute in there. Great. Great, great set up here for, for podcasts and all that. So welcome guys. Thank you for joining us.
Anna Maria: Yeah. And it's exciting to talk about something we love to talk about.
Whitney: Amazing. Well, just as a heads up before we get started with the subject matter, I want to let anyone know who is here with us live that we're recording this podcast on clubhouse so that we can have a live discussion, which allows you to ask lots of questions. And the topic for this episode is about what it means to be truly organic and why not all organic products can be classified as the same. We're going to talk about the vegan lifestyle. We've got a lot of different things. You can ask any question of any of us here today. Just raise your hand.
If you, um, want to come up on stage later on, we'll give you an opportunity for that. And we also encourage you. To visit To get more information about the broadcast that's linked right here on clubhouse, under my profile and jacks. And that's also on the Essentia social media.
We've made it very easy for you to find it. You can subscribe to the podcast, get all the recordings and also find out what events we have coming up. That'll be live on clubhouse. So Jack, I wanted to know. What inspired you to invite these two guests to talk about the subject matter today, and let's dig into more about who they are and what they do.
So we can talk about organics and vegan living.
Jack: Well, I got, I had the pleasure of meeting them six years ago, but when I, when I, when I met, uh, when I met Anna Maria and Brian, uh, I really was just learning. Uh, I came out here to explore, to understand what Hippocrates was. And my focus back then was that was pure organic without stimulating.
But I never really fully, um, entrenched myself into a vegan lifestyle, nonetheless, a raw vegan lifestyle, which is what they teach here at Hippocrates and, um, you know, I learned so much and I, I realized that my product was more than just organic. It was actually a vegan product. And, you know, I think that's one of the things.
Um, uh, I think some of the misconceptions of people think that vegan is extreme. Vegan is like, oh, first you've organic. When you go vegan. Yes. That's kind of is a progression, but really it it's more than just animal cruelty. It's wellness and they teach wellness of vegan here. Yeah. There is, there is a vegan wellness mattresses, because if you're just organic, you still have allergens.
You still have other stimulants that are, but when you have a vegan mattress like ours, it eliminates all those allergies as well. So I've learned a lot from and that's why I, I I'm really thrilled that they're, they're here to answer questions, to share their knowledge, which goes way beyond the. You know,
so I'm excited to have them here and, and, and you guys don't know this, but Whitney, her actual podcast name or her is Eco Vegan Gal so I knew that she would really be excited about asking you guys questions as well. So it's a perfect fit.
Whitney: Yeah. And it's, it's been so amazing. Learning more about Hippocrates is as I prepped for today because I had known the name.
For a long time, but it wasn't until I dug further into some of the talks that Brian was giving. In fact, I found this great video on the essential Facebook page. When was this that you did the in-person event? I think it was when you opened up a store in Florida, Jack and Brian spoke in front of a live crowd. When did that happen?
Jack: That was three years ago, three years ago. Okay. And I think it was at the Toronto store. Also. You also did build those here. We did the focus there as well.
Whitney: Yeah. And it was really neat because what I find. Wonderful about both Jack and Brian is that you're so committed as you were just saying Jack to the quality.
And I believe it was in that talk where Brian was saying that he took all the beds outside, out of Hippocrates and replaced them with Essentia mattress once he learned about the ingredients. So I'm kind of curious about how that whole story came together and how that's had an impact since.
Jack: Right.
Brian: Well, the Institute, uh, was a pioneer in holistic medicine, uh, complimentary medicine, and we were the, uh, the land mind land light Institute to promote veganism way back in the 1950s and everything we've done is you've just articulate.
We've aspired to have the highest quality, not because we're elite or we're something special because that's what people deserve. Uh, when people come here to us from all over the globe, they're trying to improve, they're trying to change some, we're trying to, uh, reverse major diseases or prevent premature aging.
Some athletes come here and movie stars and. Just to get healthier so they can be better at their craft. And so when we had beds that were inferior and let's just say what they were, uh, not because we intentionally had inferior beds because we never had the privilege and Marie and I to sleep in a, he had a bed and a little more than seven years ago, we had that opportunity and I made a snap judgment is unknown for, and so we have.
These beds in here and Jack, in the sense he was very gracious. We couldn't come up with the, uh, the money all at once and he let us pay him out over a three-year period. And now our guests rave about this, you know, we have every age group here from every corner of the globe. And they're saying yes, yesterday here on campus.
The guests were telling me two or three of them. They've never had a better sleep in their life. And one was 75 and the other was 55 and the other was 35. So this is what we hear all the time.
Anna Maria: And you know, we've raised four kids. We've always been very committed to have a toxic, free environment for them and great food.
They've been based vegan all their lives. So we've always had good managers is since we found a sense that all the mattresses were changed in our house too. And what did they do? What a difference. Our kids love it. They're athletic. It's, it's such a support for them. And just to know that in your own home, that you can be toxic free.
It's a, it's such a big part of raising a family too.
Brian: Yeah. And, and, you know, the combination of an organic bed that is the highest quality on the planet earth. It's a pinnacle that along with an lifestyle that lets you sleep, let's you. Let's you calm, uh, boost your immune system respects the planet earth.
You know, uh, we can have a healthy bed, but if we're not respecting our bodies, that's not congruent.
Jack: It was really interesting. What I loved about this whole relationship. It was never a sales call. I didn't show up here to sell, but I showed up here to learn about Socrates
and, uh, and, and the title of today was really inspired by you. And he really, because I've heard you speak of my product before and you always speak of how not all organic is created equally. And I think that goes beyond just the mattress, right? That you guys promote here on the quality of every component, what you eat and everything,
Brian: right?
I mean, your intent was right. Your intent was pure and you follow through a lot of people look at the money they can make by not following through with their proper intent. And you didn't do that. You didn't cut corners. As a matter of fact, uh, everything I wanted to know about the bed, uh, I got the answers and then I found out other things you said.
But I wasn't aware of that. But for instance, Anna Maria said, when we first got our customized, the sensory event, boy, this smells so good. That stone smell like this. And I said, well, why? She said, well, there's essential oil. I didn't even know there were essential oils to keep the, the bedbugs out of there.
Um, you know, I didn't realize that we were buying a bed that was reasonable in my mind. They expensive beds are more expensive than this and they're garbage. Outgassing chemicals. So you could be on a healthy diet and exercise and be an athlete or a movie star, or just the normal person, like the rest of us and end up sick because you're having fumes cancer causing mind altering neurological altering chemicals, eight, nine hours a day, coming into your nostrils.
And I didn't realize that this bed was going to last me twice, as long as any other bed I've ever bought. Uh, you know, these are things that people need to hear. And you say, well, why do we, we have a podcast about beds. I'm like, God, I don't think there's a more important subject. My you're spending, you know, I wish I could take the eight hours a day.
I need to, uh, to sleep and not sleep, but you become a wreck when people are coming here and they're fighting a disease. If they don't sleep, I don't care what I feed them. Eventually. They're not going to get one.
Anna Maria: Yeah. And the way it's yeah. The way it supports you and the way that our lifestyle is, which is supporting the whole immune system.
And so together we have, everybody says, we have a better sleep because the body is functioning. Your immune system is doing all the right things. And then you have a bed it's not toxic. It's supporting you. It's like perfect fit.
Jack: It's funny how things are kind of support each other. So for example, If you don't eat well, you won't sleep as well.
If you don't sleep well, you won't thrive as well. Everything's so connected. And that's the beauty of what you've done here at Hippocrates you know, it's the full calendar. Yeah. You know, from, from when you wake up to do two throughout the sleep exercise and everything else.
Brian: Well, we have some of the top CEOs from the world that come here on an ongoing basis.
And they've said to me, I come here to clean out and to get deep rest. So I make better decisions and four or five of them have literally said to me, we don't make big decisions anymore until we come and spend time here at the pocket. The bed is part of that. I think one of
Anna Maria: the lucky,
Jack: one of the things, I mean, I know everyone wants to research and get their information.
From Google from online, they want to read, they want to listen to, and those are all amazing tools and amazing information and knowledge. But I'll tell you firsthand. There's nothing like being here. On the property without distractions, right? Listening to your lectures, listening to other people lecture, but then walking through the grounds, just the th th th the grounds that you've set up here, the plants that are there, it just it's, it's natural, but it's beautiful at the same time.
It's not like a fake. Yeah. You know, it's not like it's wild, but beautifully wild, you know? So, and I, you know, there was nothing like walking through the grounds and going from lecture to electric to learn and seeing the farming, how you're, you're growing your sprouts. And, uh, people thought I was a little nuts because, you know, coming from an Italian background and I was savoring the sprouts and the salads, you know, For a person who comes in for the first time and how you guys talk about how your chefs are amazing.
And when you look at it, it just looks like a salad box, but no, when you really start to yeah. It's so fresh. It's so tasty. So flavorful. Cause you, you, can you stop talking about your meals at Bakari's, but I really devoured them.
Anna Maria: And you start
Brian: loving it and always says the first week you say, God, I can't eat this where the third one, he said, boy, this food is unbelievable.
You know, you've got to use your detoxing. You're going
Jack: to use it. I actually can't even replicate it as good at home. Yeah. Like your, your, your, your sprouts are bursting and flavors, your, your dressings are amazing. So like, it really is not something easy to duplicate, you know? Well, you know, it's
Brian: funny. I grew up around a lot of Italians when I was a child. I was so influenced. I spoke some Italian and I actually thought I was Italian. It was a Catholic nun that said, no, you're not. You're Irish asked my mother. And she said, yo, you're not. So ironically, when I went to Italy, you know, north American Italians eat wildly different than the Italian. So this is very much like most of the Italians eat.
I mean, comparing the taste of food and the freshness of food in Europe to Canada or the United States is, is joke. Really. I mean, we don't even understand what food should taste like, and this, I would
Jack: even say that, that maybe this is proof right here at Hippocrates. They always say that things are different. The ground is different, but I mainly think it's the fact that all of our food here is industrialized. And that's why at Hippocrates, it tastes like Italy. So it's not G it's not geographic. It's
Brian: exactly. You know, and it was funny. We were in Italy, lecturing. What was it? Five years, five years ago. And, um, we sit over, have a hard time because I hadn't lectured in Italy for 20 years.
And it was unbelievably easy to live this way. I mean, it was so right out the door, uh, a second from right from the downtown road.
Anna Maria: And whenever you want, it's, it's people are wondering how they can find good plant-based foods, it's everywhere.
Brian: And as a matter of fact, there, there was on the same street. We were at a boutique that called the self organic. We didn't stay. But they said they had organic beds and I snickered and I said, there's probably not a sense of,
Anna Maria: you said that every hotel in the world, she would want to have a sensor.
Jack: It's crazy. Most organic beds also have quilted them. Oh, that's terrible. So that's what I'm saying. What people like, there's so many levels of organic where one is just general organic for, for. Kind of that scratching the surface of a detox room where you still have allergens, you still have VMs, but then when you kind of dig deep and want to understand more, there's, there's way more to it.
Brian: Let's talk a little bit about science. You know, years ago I was involved with a guy, a physicist who showed us why coil beds are actually attracting negative EMS. So that geometrics have a lot to do with electron activity. So if you have a round circle, Not only is it bad for the, the posture and holding the bed and supporting, supporting the body, but you also are having more likely, far more likely to double the triple by the way more electromagnetic.
Frequencies coming to the bed. So I mean your bed neutralizes it so rubber by the way, just so when there's a lightning storm, her mother used to actually get all the kids run down and get in the carpets, rubber tires, Iris. That was it. And guess what? You're actually neutralizing EMF within the Sensi event.
Jack: Yeah. Neutralizes EMF. And from what we learned from you from, uh, from Dr. Valero, we've also, uh, added that technology to have EMF formula in our beds so that we were also. Really conscious of people who are using, because one thing I noticed even with athletes is you can have them sleep organic vegan. You can give them the best routines, but the one thing that they will not folks is their cell phones, cell phones, and tablets are going to bed with them
Brian: and wives and boyfriends and girlfriends are jealous of cell phones now.
Anna Maria: Yeah, but let's talk about that. The environment where the bed is going to be, I mean, we need it to be done. We need, we need to not have any cell phones. I mean, this is, that's what people need to learn. Put that in another room.
Jack: Cause they need to focus on their whole environment. Just lighting sounds, uh, you know, all, all the air quality, these are all things that an allergy is all, all these stimulants is what, you know, like elimination of these stimulants is what really?
Brian: Yeah. Yeah. So a decade ago was speaking in Frankfurt, Germany and, uh, scientists came up and met me. So then, you know, I, I trust and believe in everything you're writing and I've read it all. And now you're going to listen to me. And that's how I met this, this expert, the scientist who worked with the Russians who were light years ahead of us in the west.
And we started to employ some of his technology. So if you have this in your beds and that's news to me, I didn't even realize that at this point, uh, you are in the state of the state of the state of the art. So, you know, you have eight plus eight plus eight plus because. Beds that are the highest quality in the world.
Not because I'm trying to say promote your bed. It just as a high, as quality in the world,
Anna Maria: that's what we have at the institution.
Brian: You're doing what we basically think is the most important thing other than eating and exercising and that sleeping deeper, getting a Ram sleep. And then the third thing that you're actually doing is you're neutralizing, not only the EMS, but you're actually taking care of the outcome.
And people don't realize what, tell us the story you said when you go to a floor, there's some of the better hotels that have environmental eco floors. And when you get out of the elevator, they don't smell the same as the other floors,
Jack: not at all. And I actually, you know, I was doing this west coast trip and, uh, you know, as you guys know, we have a high concentration of, of our state.
The program is called Staywell is for traveling, uh, health wellness minded. And if you travel a whole lot, you realize that what's important in a hotel room. And you know, it used to be the size of the TV used to be the lobby these days it's more of the bed, but these guys have figured out that it's the whole environment, not just the bed alone, we're, we're an important component of the Staywell rooms.
However, the whole floor is dedicated to wellness. So what you do. As soon as those elevator doors open, you actually can notice that there is no longer detergents in the air because they're all chemicals. Detergents that are, that are used to, to clean out the carpet cleaners, uh, everything is so, so you feel fresher.
There's uh, there's uh, organic, uh, air diffusers. So it's a beautiful environment. The food in the mini bar is all healthy food. It's an essential bed. There's vitamin C shower heads. There's blackouts. So everything's all about wellness, who would have thought that would be Vegas, right. But is the best, the best hotel sleep is in Vegas.
But so they looked at all of these components. And, and I remember at one point I was traveling to three cities and my last spot was at a state. Well, and I was staying at beautiful properties, Ritz Carltons and sort of great hotels. And only when I got to the stele, I realized that, oh my God, wow. There, you just notice it because.
Most hotels are pumping synthetic perfumes in the air. They're using harsh detergents and it's not the same. Comforting feeling as when you walk onto the Stillwell floors. Let's see,
Brian: I think our job, Jack's your job. And we hear Anna and I at Hippocrates is to make this accessible to everyone know the reality is, I mean, I have had so many people that are not the elite who don't have the ability to stay at hotels, you and I would, and they can afford these beds.
So that's the wonderful thing. And you have entry-level beds that are practically the same price. Reasonably good bed. Isn't
Jack: that true? You know, for us, uh, I've always strive to come up with the less expensive technologies to reach out for. So we're not striving to be the most expensive bed ever. That's never been our, you know, we have some, uh, we have a range and some of it in our, on the pricier side.
Well, a lot of our focus in R and D is how do I make this affordable and accessible to everybody? So, and they, they do, they, they, they start, you know, just, just, just a little over a thousand dollars, which is really up in the wheelhouse of most mattresses that are out there. And, and, and, you know, and then it goes up from there, but we're very accessible, very much made for everyone.
It depends on how seriously you take your sleep too.
Brian: And I'm sure that a lot of things. Can pay this off over time.
Jack: Absolutely. Yeah, we've got, we've got finance, we've got everything, uh, available to everyday, practically nothing each month. And you know, they'll go out and eat one time and it close to your shirt.
Brian: And here, you're going to lay in a bed for eight hours a day. And by the way, Anna Maria and I both said that romance is better in your beds. Have you done a study on that yet?
Jack: Question. I, uh, CEO of the MGM resorts before he made the decision to put in all the. He said, I've got a silly question, but this is Vegas. This is for sex. The only answer I can come up with, I go, if, if we were meant to use Springs, we would have been born with this.
Brian: Why your beds are so romantic? There's no outgassing and you know, Is the number one way to turn people off and romance.
Anna Maria: I know some people, some people will fall asleep on anything and then they wake up totally contoured. And this is, this is giving you all that flasher and it's giving you the support plus, you know, and you didn't get toxic.
Brian: Yeah. Well, the only thing when our children were small and we had the SNC in beds, they said we can't. Up and down as much. And I know that's probably a benefit. Isn't it? Tell us why. No bounces.
Jack: Well, the bounce is pressure. So that's just, just pushing against the body constantly. You're you can't, you need to press down on the bed for it to contour this just fully adapts to you.
So really there is less pressure, better blood flow, uh, unobstructed blood flow means better oxygen movement. Uh, so, so your everything's healing better and nothing wakes up stiff or sore the next day. So these are all important parts.
Brian: Osteopathic doctors here, orthopedic surgeons. Yeah. Medical doctors here, chiropractic doctors here that have commented to me on the bed and the posture of this will keep our postures better. And you must've had research done at the factory of the office?
Jack: Absolutely. Well, and when we, when we were developing this product, we, so it was actually an interesting process because the first, um, six months I was bringing in people from the mattress. Buyers sellers marketing people. And they would be my advisor panel.
Yeah. And, um, other than maybe the first visit or second visit where I learned a lot about the industry, but they didn't teach me much about mattress and wellness at all. And in fact, I started turning to. The the, the health professionals, whether it be the osteopaths and chiropractors and, and, and these were the people teaching me about wellness while they were trying to teach me about the marketing, but I was driven by the wellness.
I wasn't driven by the marketing. So, and maybe that's why we're not like the billion dollar brand, but it's okay because I am proud of who we're helping, but ultimately, um, every time I remember by the third. Visit where we brought everyone to Montreal to see our progress. Their jaws were dropped. They couldn't believe that we were advancing the technology way more.
They thought they were coming to advise a person on how to make a mattress brand, but really they weren't really profits how to make profits and all that, but they were coming into their jobs or down. Wow. How we, how we, we reformulate, we don't just change layers of beds. We reformulate really to engineer, to work in a certain.
And, uh, so that was, but we learned that from the wellness professionals,
Brian: a lot of people listening may not understand how important it is to keep your spine as comfortable and as secure as possible. Every one of your disc relate to a different organ. And so imagine if you were sleeping on the kind of bed, I grew up sleeping on that.
My gut, you fell into the middle of the night. My body was sent and my parents thought that's a great mattress. It was all spring. And you create because it was all here. And, and so can you imagine, so as I was growing up, most likely you check and I'm read what was growing up, our growth patterns or Oregon.
Was impaired because of the mattress we were sleeping on and people don't realize this is profoundly important. This is not a small part of health. You know, everyone thinks of chewing and eating cause you were awake at that point, but you're not awake. And if you don't sleep deep and you don't dream and your imagination is able to go all over the place, your level of sanity is in question.
There was so much to this. I mean, we have a sleep expert. That's part of our medical team here. Dr. And he himself had deep sleep problems. And he's now dedicated the last two to three years of his life studying with the 50 top sleep experts on the planet earth. He actually meets some and has things translated so he can have a conversation with them and they are now giving such information as Dr.
Dilemmas, DLAM ENT at Stanford university. About how it's probably as important to sleep on the right mattress and get deep REM sleep as it is eating a healthy diet, as it is exercising, as it is having good relationships as it is taking food-based supplementation. So this to us is not a small conversation about an incidental thing that we only think about.
Second, this is right up there at the front with us. This is the pinnacle of life and health and wellbeing. And by the way, Hell of a little more happy when you get out of your desk,
Whitney: Jack, I wanted to jump in to make sure we have time for questions today and come back around to the topic of organic. Um, you know, because I, I don't think that we dove deep enough into the, the importance of organic and, and of course that is tied into the mattress, but also different fabrics.
I know this is something that Brian has written about and spoken. Um, in terms of how much of a difference the right fabrics have on our bodies, whether they're our clothes or our mattress or things in our home. And then I think it's mainly because people, when they think about organic, they tend to think about food.
But Brian, I'd love to hear more about like where else is organic important, important in your life and how do you decide which organic product to buy?
Jack: Oh, I just wanted to cut in and, and, and one, thank you for realigning us here. And also I have to say it's the Brian's generosity. He's trying to talk about essential, but we're really here for, to discover them, but he's trying to be generous and over talk about essential, but it's okay. I want to introduce you guys.
Brian: And this is Anna Maria and I are, you know, so we're not, we're not, we're not embellishing it. This is who we are about this. So Anna Maria and I wrote a book and a, had a deep interest in clothing, not because she's some fashion just organic. And we wrote a book called killer clothes and it talked about.
So here's some facts, uh, 25% of all the world's pesticides are used on growing cotton. So is it good enough just to say I have a cotton, uh, mattress or have a cotton cloth? The answer is no, because it's going to outcast pesticides forever. They don't stop out guessing by the way. Number two, one piece of clothing.
One garment has approximately 8,000 chemicals. If it's not Oregon. 8,000 chemicals utilized in the process of making the garment changing climate? Yes. About 75 to 90%, depending upon the part of the world. Uh, natural fibers have formaldehydes if she says no ironing formaldehydes and other chemicals put on them.
So this is why it's not a hipster type of thing to say, Hey, you want to have organic underwear, you have organic clothes. This saves you in art book. And Maria discovered two studies that showed that women have six times. Let me repeat this six times more breastfeeding. If you have polyester and nylon bras.
So yes, eating meat, eating chicken, being stressed, having emotional abuse will give you a breast cancer, but guess what? You can really, really dynamically get breast cancer. If you have all of the above plus wearing polyester nylon, God forbid, your bosoms are big and now you have underwear.
I sleep in my birthday suit. If anyone doesn't know what that is, I don't use pajamas.
So my, my body, uh, one-third of my life is laying on either. The Essentia 100% pure cotton cloth with a hundred percent pure organic, you know, latex made from a tree rubber tree, uh, with thread that, you know, we, we learned that 30 some years we were on so-called organic beds that were fraught.
They weren't organic, you know, par the thread wasn't organic and the latex was mixed down. It was mostly. You know, whatever it may be. And they have beds now called the purple beds, you know, what are they? Purple chemicals and the most popular bed on. Unfortunately it was developed and designed in my wife's country.
And that is the, the master of outgassing it's whatever we talk about the benefit of organic light. Uh, cotton mattresses from the Essentia the Memphis is the opposite. As the most popular bed, the foam mattresses, these things are altering nervous systems, brains giving you cancer. No question. These are alarmist facts that I'm giving you.
Now, these are scientifically based data-based facts and I'm giving you that. So we're Ganek is, is not just hip it's, like.
Jack: We focused on the wellness of organic and vegan, but you know, that that solves our whole eco issue. Right. You just eliminate the livestock and what that does to the environment that eliminating the pesticides and right there, we've, we've, uh, it's not as much the cars,
Brian: 70%, 70% of greenhouse gases come from cars, planes, trains, boats.
51% come from consumption of animal and consuming can secretions from animals. You know, it's such a bizarre thing that we've all bought lock, stock and barrel to take milk out of another species. Uh, one of the, one of the demonstrations I give or lectures I give when I traveled the globe is I show an incredibly attractive woman.
Well-dressed woman underneath the Cal sucking from its breasts. You want, you want to see the audience? They guess it's like I'm showing pornography. And as soon as they settled. Four slides later. I have a very handsome guy with a suit on underneath sucky. They gasp again. And I said, you never guessed when your mother brought that home or you go to the store and you buy it.
Somehow we don't put two and two together on this one. So, I mean, th th the fact is we've got a lot to do to get back to balance and homeostasis and your baby. Is an incredibly important part of this. When I said to Jack that it's on the frontline, I don't say this because I'm promoting a Essentia I don't care if it was Jack or somebody else.
If you don't have the highest quality bed where you're sleeping on something that supports you, not only bodily, but psychologically environmentally, you're not congruent. So you are a, uh, an anti ecological person and anti health. And so you save up your pennies. I mean, they have payment programs. I know that Anna Maria and I, uh, bought this bed and we, we didn't, uh, Certain things for a short time to get the bed. And we got the best bit from you.
Anna Maria: Yeah. And you get on their organic linen and you get the pillows that are organic cause that you have to have your head on that thing
Jack: for the whole sleep environment. Exactly
Brian: important. And it found that the organic sheeting and pillows are not that expensive if you search them out.
Whitney: I'm curious. One thing. I've been stumped by for a long time is why is it that people still feel resistant to buying organic products and eating organic food and just having a more organic lifestyle? Is it, is it still this misconception that it's hard to find or that it's expensive? And what do you see?
It will take to get more people into our, into organic. What do they need to know?
Brian: Well, there's, I'll give you three layers. Number one, there's been a campaign by the main stream food industry. The governments support them and the dairy and the meat industry. So they put millions of dollars out globally, or millions of euros out globally to, uh, disengage people from going organic.
The second is purely. Uh, what's ironic is that you're paying more for getting less. You should be paying more for pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, but they don't spend the money on those. So you should actually be paying less. Now, if you gave people an option, I read something recently where they asked 88% of the people they asked if you had a choice to eat organic vegetables or nonorganic 88% said yes, and 12% were so ill, educated.
They didn't know what it was. So it's the economics of that. True. But the program we've been teaching here since 1950, The poorest people in the world can eat this way and have the most nutritious food in the world. You can grow gardens in your home, in the middle of winter, in a snow storm in the north.
So it shouldn't be prohibited. And number three is habits. You know, remember I call it the mommy factor. Your mommy gave you a particular cake to particular brand cookie particular potato chip. And so you get into those. And people don't realize we have an emotional connection, especially our mothers used food as a way to show love.
Uh, this Italian guy is
Jack: sort of my mother-in-law. I gained weight every year,
Brian: you know? So, so, you know, I'm going to make a social commentary. You know, we say women have equality, uh, that's bologna. We have a lot of work to do on that one, but the fact that. The one way women have been able to fully express himself through millennia is through food.
We've allowed the women to see. And so when I started to change to a plant-based organic diet in the back of my mind, and it took me 10 years to realize this, I was questioning whether or not it was assaulting my mother's love to me. And so there's that deep rooted connection there. So that's why. You know, th the three pillars of why it's difficult first, there's a big campaign to tell you our crap is okay.
Don't worry. There's not enough site. I can give you thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of studies practically in every language to show you, you eat pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or sleep on those beds. You're going to get sicker and you're going to die.
Jack: Positioning on your first point that you mentioned yesterday. I was listening to his podcast, this small little a book. They're not that small they're growing, but it was a podcast on, um, this chocolate bar company, which has done a fully, all natural chocolate bar. And they're growing really nicely. Uh, but it needs to be refrigerated because it doesn't have all the preservatives and all that in the conversation.
This is something that. You reminded me of it. He was saying how, um, how difficult it is for these small organic, natural brands that penetrate the market. Because basically everything in your grocery stores is owned by like four or five companies. They're all the major companies that have bought all the small guys out.
So, so shelf space is almost like a monopoly or practically like a mafia where they control exactly what's in their freezers. What's what's on their shelves and they. When by, because they, they being a chocolate bar in the, in the refrigerated section, they didn't have to compete with Hershey's.
Brian: Oh, no kidding. Isn't that funny?
Jack: And because there are a chocolate bar in the refrigerator. The frozen items didn't see them. And so, so they kind of snuck in right through this narrow corridor where the monopolies were not managing.
Brian: Exactly. I think what we have to do Jack is we have to make millions and millions of these beds. And when people are. Well, before they come home to sleep, we've got to replace her beds.
Anna Maria: That's why, so here, I think that's the day we have a 21 day program because it takes 21 days to change habits. And that's what we hope for more than 80% of our guests comes back, whatever they didn't get the first time they get the second or the third time, but they evolve and we see them flourish.
Brian: Yeah. So, I mean, you know, you asked an incredibly important question, but the more of us that do this and the more we articulate and not to be campaigners for it, you know, let people do it and help people. You know, my family, I watched, they thought we were crazy back when I started in 1970 and slowly but surely they all moved in this direction.
Especially when people get sick, they started to say, well, maybe the bed I sleep and maybe the food I ate, maybe the exercise, maybe the relationships I have or the work I do. As you pointed out while you did this had absolutely nothing to do with economic gains. You, you lost your father, you lost people that you loved and you realize the chemicals, you were, why they got cancer and how could they not attach that to sleeping in a bed that out guesses chemicals,
Anna Maria: 80% of all cancers are environmental. The bad might be one of the first things. Yeah.
Brian: Probably one of the top
Jack: or mental and stress and sweep really helps you with both of those.
Whitney: I was going to see if there were any, maybe we could take one question before we wrap up today. If anyone in the audience has been waiting to ask, uh, and if not, I'm just so grateful for the whole discussion and, um, everything that you've shared about this lifestyle, it's really compelling.
And, you know, Brian, when I was listening to you talk in, in another, um, recording that you did about the, the clothing. It really got me thinking. So I just want to thank you for reminding me how important it is to just think about organic fabrics on another level. And especially the breast cancer point. I thought as a woman, it's like, wow, you know, I just want to make an extra effort.
And I imagine you've inspired a lot of people to put in a little bit more effort and take some more steps towards living an organic life.
Anna Maria: I made bras. I made organic cotton bras. I need to get back on it, but they've lived in that warrior. They love it.
Brian: Let's not, let's not preclude men. You know, women have the most because you brought us homelessness, but men with polyester underwear, the same thing, testicular cancer rises, uh, prostate cancer rises. And so, you know, there's so much to think.
Whitney: There really is. Well, thanks for giving us the starting point to think about this and where can, where's the best place for the audience to go and learn more from you about this? I imagine on the Hippocrates website, is there a specific blog post or something? Uh, your book of reports.
Brian: We have Hippocrates TV, and we do Hippocrates podcasts. You can download right from our website. So it's Hippocrates and I'll spell it unless you're Greek it's H I P P like hip H I P P O C R A T E S. H I P P O C R A T E S Institute or I N S T better. So Hippocrates in just one word. Org org we're non-profit organization. And so, uh, you can get on there and download all of that and learn more about what we've been doing here for 65 years and, and learn about, uh, the mattress that we're talking about today. Being a big part of why our people come here to recover, get strong and actors become better actors and healthier and look younger and sexy. And yeah, there's more romance going on in this campus than any bed place.
Whitney: Well, that in itself is a great selling point. Be sure I'm well, I wouldn't blame them. Um, but we'll be sure to link to all of that. We have a full transcript and recording of this episode over at Maya And did I hear that Jack is on your podcasts? Is that right?
Jack: Yeah, we, we, we just recorded the one, right, right before
Brian: Jack Jack will be on shortly on Hippocrates TV. And, uh, let's talk health and that's a half an hour program. They did a great job. As a matter of fact, he's looking good today. It's that a nice, he's got a Florida suntan. He didn't get that when he was sleeping. I don't think
Whitney: amazing. Well, we'll link to that episode on the My Essentia podcast show notes for this episode as well.
And thank you again for taking the time. And for those listening on clubhouse, we appreciate you and we'll be back with another episode very soon. So stay tuned. Thanks.
Jack: Thanks.
Whitney: Thanks everyone.