Exclusive to Essentia’s 8 Key Elements, Active Cooling addresses one of the biggest complaints sleepers face today: sleeping hot. So how does Essentia do it? What does it mean for a mattress to actively cool throughout the night? Keep reading to find out! 

Essentia’s Active Cooling 

As a leader in sleep innovation, we are always evolving our material science to ensure we naturally address your biggest sleep concerns. Essentia’s patented Beyond Latex organic foam was revolutionary when it launched in 2005 as the first slow-response organic latex foam. This patented latex foam is highly breathable, allowing air to flow freely through the mattress.

From the start, Essentia’s mattresses have been temperature-neutral, meaning they don’t require body heat to contour or offer pressure relief like traditional memory foam, and they don’t trap heat at the surface of the mattress. This natural airflow provides a comfortable sleep experience, which is true for our Lifestyle collection of mattresses including the Grateful Eight, Tatami, and Stratami, the top-rated foam mattress by Consumer Reports. 

Continuing our evolution, Essentia’s Performance collection of mattresses features enhanced cooling with the addition of quartz to the foam formula. These models not only allow for airflow but also continuously pull heat from the mattress surface, keeping the body cool through the night. This allows the Classic REM5 and Dormeuse REM9 to sleep up to 5 degrees and 9 degrees cooler than your body temperature over an 8-hour sleep cycle. Let’s dive into why this is a game-changer! 

Why Old Cooling Methods Don’t Work

Ever tried cranking up the AC to cool down your room? It might help temporarily, but it doesn’t affect the actual surface that you’re sleeping on. Plus, using blankets can trap heat, causing you to overheat or sweat during sleep. 

Taking a cold shower before bed is another common attempt to cool down, but the effect is short-lived. These methods provide instant or short-term relief but don’t help your body reach the deep, restorative sleep it needs. 

The Problem with “Cool Touch” and Cooling Mattresses

Many mattresses marketed as cooling or featuring a cool-touch cover rely on phase-changing chemical additives. However, adding chemicals to your bedroom comes with significant downsides:

  1. Chemicals Stimulate Your Central Nervous System - If your brain is always detecting these toxic chemicals, it stimulates your body to react and fight off the effects. This in turn means your body is not properly going into its nighttime REM and Deep Sleep cycles for restoration. 
  2. Create Toxic Cocktails - Because phase-changing chemicals can be volatile they also come with a hefty dose of fire retardants and other chemicals to counteract the effects. 
  3. Temporary Fix - These “technologies” may feel very cool initially but do not actively dissipate heat, ultimately causing you to sleep hot.
  4. Interrupted Sleep - You end up tossing and turning to stay cool, which disrupts your sleep cycles. 
  5. Gel Additives - Silicone gel, used in some mattresses, also heats up over time and requires constant repositioning to maintain a cool surface.

Essentia’s Natural Dynamic Cooling 


We’ve rethought cooling technology from the ground up. Our patented Beyond Latex organic foam offers active thermal regulation without chemical stimulants, providing naturally cool, comfortable sleep.

How Does it Work? 

By allowing the air to flow through the mattress and dynamically pull heat away from the surface of the mattress Essentia’s patented organic latex foam sleeps cooler than other mattresses. Our foam has been rigorously tested against the leading memory foam mattress. Over an eight-hour sleep cycle, Essentia’s foam maintained a surface temperature up to 9 degrees cooler than the body’s normal temperature. In contrast, polyurethane memory foam traps heat, causing a spike in the surface temperature of the mattress. 

The Benefits 

Lowering your core temperature is crucial for a good night’s rest. Essentia’s technology allows your body to enter a state similar to hibernation, signaling the brain to proceed with its nightlyu recovery routing and promoting deep, restorative sleep. Without stable and constant cooling, sleep is disrupted, preventing you from reaching vital deep sleep stages. 

Essentia’s patented organic latex foam with quartz eliminates the need for outdated cooling methods and toxic additives. Experience natural, dynamic cooling and achieve your best sleep ever with Essentia.

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