While it is easy to assume that everything manufactured for children and newborns must be safe and healthy, it is often not the case. Unfortunately, while many companies tout their commitment to keeping your newborn safe first, their highest priority is often the profitability of their item, which can lead to parents unknowingly exposing their babies to harmful chemicals and toxins that could potentially have adverse effects in the future. As the internet has made information more easily accessible, parents have developed an increasing awareness into the importance of going organic when parenting. Below is an informative guide into the top reasons why it is vital to choose healthy options from food to organic crib mattresses when buying for your newborn.

Why You Should Take an Organic Approach to Parenting

Choosing organic alternatives is a practice that has gained traction and popularity in recent years, and while some may assume that this categorizes buying organic as merely a trend, in fact purchasing organic goods and products is rooted in facts and evidence about the potential dangers of non-organic items and foods. Toxins and chemicals can be found in baby foods, household items, crib mattresses, and more, which makes it vitally important for parents to exercise the utmost caution when making purchases and conduct their own research prior.

Here are a few helpful insights about why an organic approach to parenting is a healthier, safer alternative.

Baby Foods

The food your baby ingests are in the building blocks upon which they will grow into a healthy, happy human being. Unfortunately, many conventional baby foods contain pesticides that can be dangerous for your newborn and may post health risks.

Many babies begin their relationship with food by eating pureed fruits and vegetables that are easy to consume and digest. However, recent studies have indicated that pesticide residue is present in many of these baby foods. Because of the different ways in which conventional and organic foods are handled and treated, conventional baby food often has a much higher percentage of pesticide residue than organically produced baby food. In addition to this, foods that are certified organic are not genetically-modified, a practice that many people still find suspect.

As your baby grows older and begins to ingest meat and dairy, purchasing organic becomes even more vital as non-organic meats and dairy products often contain growth hormones and antibiotics that can have potentially adverse effects on your child. Choosing certified organic means deliberately seeking items that were prepared and processed without the use of pesticides, harsh chemicals, or growth hormones to give your child the healthiest options possible.

Household Items

One of the items most often seen in the home of a child is toys, which provide enjoyment and stimulation. However, while toys can be an extremely beneficial and fun part of your baby’s life, they could also potentially be exposing your child to lead.

While recent regulations have tried to minimize this exposure, older toys still can be potentially harmful, particularly if they find their way into your child’s mouth. One of the best ways to avoid this is to research toys before you buy them and make sure they do not have any harmful chemicals that could be passed on to your child. Another helpful tactic is investing in organic or wooden toys.

Another common household item used in the care of children is soaps and lotions. For babies, it is often best to choose unscented options, particularly for those with sensitive skin, as these will provide the least amount of potential allergens and irritants. Aim for organic soaps and lotions as these will possess the least number of chemical colors/flavors, detergents/soaps, and antibiotic/antiseptics.

Crib Mattresses

 A crib mattress is an item your child will interact with for long periods of time each night, making it an extremely important purchase. Choosing a natural crib mattress is of the utmost importance as the alternative can contain chemicals and toxins that could potentially harm your child as they breathe it in for hours each night.

Crib mattresses can contain brominated fire retardants, which have been linked to thyroid problems, developmental difficulties with learning and motor skills, as well as cancer. Crib mattresses can also contain cheap glues that contain numerous chemicals. Some crib mattresses also achieve a waterproof surface by using Polyvinyl Chloride (vinyl), which is a human carcinogen that has been linked to liver cancer.



If you want to keep your baby healthy and safe, it is vital to invest in a high-quality, organic crib mattress.

Essentia’s natural crib mattress is made with organic cotton and organic dyes, organic latex foam, and no glues or adhesives to keep your child sleeping soundly and safely through the night.

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